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Eid-ul-Adha 2013 Mubarak To Everyone

By Zohaib Liaqat - No Comments
The festival of Eid is on the 10th of Zillhijjah; Eid-ul-Adha is one of the two celebrated days of the year in the Islamic calender. Qurbani (Sacrifices of Animals) are made on this day and its meat distributed amongst family and the Needy. Muslims normally spend time with their family and friends. Muslim males visit the graves of those that have passed away although visiting the graveyard regularly is recommended and not restricted to the two Eids.

Why Do Muslims Sacrifice Animals 

All Muslims adults with earning status to a specified income level must do sacrifice on Eid days.

This sacrifice recalls us the story of Abraham and Ismail (may peace by upon him). When Abraham (peace be upon him) was put under a hardest trial and was asked to sacrifice his son Ismail (peace be upon him).
In short, both Abraham and Ismail (peace be upon him all) were ready to obey Allah the Almighty's order but Allah the Almighty saved Ismail (peace be upon him) by sending a sheep from Heaven and accepted the sacrifice from Abraham (peace be upon him).
Afterwards, it has been mandatory to all Muslims,who can afford, to sacrifice a sheep.
There is no substitute for Muslims as they must have to obey Allah the Almighty's order as Abraham (peace be upon him) did.


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