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Best AdSense Ad Spots to Maximize your Earnings

Its been a long time we haven't written any post on making money online and maximizing your earning. So, today we'll discuss about the best Adsense ad spots for maximizing your earning potential. The idea of writing this post came to my mind yesterday, when I was placing some new ad slots to my blog. After studying all the factors and Adsense ad spots, I'm going to share an article about where you should place Adsense ads in your blog. Ad positioning has a very significant impact upon the money that you earn. If your Adsense earnings is less then it might be because that you're not displaying the ads on their best spots. So, its important to know about the best adsense ad spots for placing ads. In this article, we'll discuss the Best AdSense Ad Spots to Maximize your Earnings.
Best AdSense Ad Spots to Maximize your Earnings

Behind Header (468 By 60)

Placing AdSense 468 By 60 ad banner behind your header gets more attention as compared to others because anyone visiting your site will obviously look for your header and as the ad is displayed just behind your header, the visitor will also pay attention to that ad. In this way displaying ads behind your header will receive more clicks and more clicks means more $$$.
Best AdSense Ads Spots to Maximize your Earnings

Under the Header (726 By 90 and 970 By 90)

Just like displaying 468 by 60 ad behind the header, placing ads under the header is also one of the most popular ad slots. If you display a 726 By 90 or 970 By 90 ad under your header, it can be really useful because before navigating your content, each and every visitor will pay attention to that ad slot.
Best AdSense Ads Spots to Maximize your Earnings

Between Posts (469 By 60)

Placing AdSense ad units just after the few paragraphs of your posts would help you to maximize your earnings. Just think, why people are visiting your website? Obviously for your posts, so displaying ads between your posts would certainly maximize your earnings.
Best AdSense Ads Spots to Maximize your Earnings

Sidebar (300 By 600, 160 By 600 and 300 By 250)

After placing ads under your header and between your posts, here comes another important ad slot for placing adsense ads, that is sidebar. Just like all above slots, placing ads in your sidebar would also maximize your earning potentials. Just like header, visitors also pay most of their attention to your sidebar. Some for checking your popular posts and the others for subscribing you, that's why the sidebar ad slots would also help you in increasing your earnings.
Best AdSense Ads Spots to Maximize your Earnings
We hope this article may have helped you in choosing the best AdSense ad slots for maximizing your earning potentials. If we missed any important ads slot then let us know in the comments section below and remember don't display more than 3 ads on page or you may get in trouble.

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5 Helpful Tips For Easy Adsense Success

All of you know about Adsense. So I’ll skip the long drawn out explanation. Adsense is a Google Program that allows everyone with a website or blog, the opportunity to place ads on their website or blog, and share in the ad revenue.
All you have to do is just to get people to your blog / website that are interested in what you are blogging. And today in this post I'm going to show you that how to do it for free. So just follow these tips to get Easy Adsense Success.

1.Blog Optimization:

Blogs are fantastic to use for promoting Google Adsense because blogs are free and are easy to customize and have a built in ability to automatically place adsense ads on your blog. To get the most out of your blog, make sure to optimize your blog by adding title tags and make sure to mention keyword you are targeting for the search engines.

2. Updating Your Blog Daily:

One of the best way to get higher rankings is to update your blog daily. Updating your blog daily is important for two reasons.First, people will come back and visit your blog daily if it is updated frequently. Secondly, the search engines love fresh content. This will help you to get higher ranking and will enable more people to find your blog/website.

3. Submit Your Blog And RSS Feeds Directories:

You should submit your blog and RSS Feeds to directories, this will enable people interested in your topic to visit your blog and subscribe to your RSS Feed. Submitting your blog and RSS Feed to directories can be time consuming but there are software's available that will allow you to do it faster. This will also provide high PR and back links to your blog.

4. Ads Background and Text color / Blend Your Ads:

Make sure that the background of the adsense ads matches to your website and the ad text color looks good and blends in with your site. But if you are using then Blogger will automatically blend the ads in for you.

5. Promote Your Blog or Website Using Articles :

One of the best way to get Free traffic to your blog or website is that you should use your articles to promote your blog or website. Website owners of many websites like etc. will pick up your articles and publish them to their websites if your articles are well-written and applicable.
Here's a list of sites that will pick up your articles and publish them to their websites:

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What Is AdSense Premium Publisher Account?

Google AdSense provides the Premium AdSense Publisher Account with great benefits to good publishers.
In this tutorial we will look into the details of AdSense Premium Publisher Account.You can become AdSense Premium Publisher by attaining either of the following:
  • 20 million content page views/month
  • 5 million search queries/month
Lets look into the details of the benefits enjoyed by the AdSense Premium Publishers.

Adsense Ads In Adults And Casino Related Pages

Premium Adsense Publishers are given yet another freedom to put Ads by Google on casino related and adult pages. This liberty is not given to Normal Adsense Publishers as Google strictly bans putting Adsense ads on such pages.

Ads By Google Label

Another liberty which is provided to Adsense Premium Publishers is that they have option to remove the "ads by google" label from their adsense ads.They can edit and write anything in the place of label.

Direct Linking To Adsense For Search Results

According to the rules and policies of the AdSense, it forbids direct links to 'Adsense for search results' , however Premium Adsense Publishers are not granted such limitations. They are free to provide direct link to adsense for search results containing just adsense ads with zero content on the page. This is a great push for the Adsense Premium Publishers.

Customized Ad Format

One of the benefit given to the Adsense Premium Publishers is that they can customize their Adsense ads according to their own.They can change the color,size,the text color and much more.

Negotiated Revenue Terms

Adsense Premium Publishers get negotiated ads prices to showcase them on their website. Both Adsense and publisher negotiate on prices and sign a contract for a specified term of time to work together .