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Five Reasons Live Chat Is a Cash Factory

Sometimes the connection between an action and a result can be foggy.

Businesses often make investments in new tech and software-based more on hope than a real understanding of the benefits. Right now, business models are adopting live chat to increase customer satisfaction and income.
Yet, the reasons the best live chat software works so well can be unclear.

Here are five ways live chat turns customer service into a money production line.

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Fast Response

In the e-commerce world, patience is for losers. Customers want their answers, and they want them now!
Live chat delivers in record time. It seems like we’ve all been on hold with customer service for a half hour or waited a day for an emailed answer.
Then comes live chat with its average response time of just 23 seconds!
And it doesn’t stop there. Most chat conversations are just 6-12 minutes long.

Customer Preferences

We all want to make our customers happy, right?
Then we should all focus on live chat. 79% of customers say they want live chat because it is immediate and that it solves problems faster than all other options.
Furthermore, among voice, forums, email, Facebook, and Twitter, live chat comes out on top of the customer satisfaction mountain with a 92% approval rating.
In addition, live chat may be immediate, but it is not urgent. Over half of customers prefer it because it allows them to multitask. Over 20% of consumers even say it allows them to shop while at work.

Software Help

Online businesses can excuse themselves from live chat no longer. Today, a wide variety of chat-enabling software options are available. LivePerson and JivoSite have over 300,000 subscriptions each. LiveChat, Olark, and Intercom are all hot on their heels with over 150,000 subscriptions each.

Optional packages give businesses the power to acquire customer information, proactively offer assistance – even see what the customer is writing before the message is sent.

Conversion Rates

Great service sells. Live chat is a proven winner when it comes to conversion.

Over half of customers state they are more likely to buy when they use live chat. In addition, 29% say they are more likely to purchase items when live chat is offered proactively, even if they don’t use it.

Overall, those who take advantage of live chat convert three to five times as often as an average customer. That success also transfers to business-to-business commerce, where chat boosts conversions by over 20%.

Return of Investment

The numbers are certainly impressive, but is live chat worth the investment of time and money?

Studies demonstrate it is. The return on investment from typical live chat software hovers around 300%.

It’s easy to see why. Chat costs 400% less than phone support. And it reduces call volumes by a reported 40%. Additionally, the average chat employee can do the work of 15 email support reps.

Also, live chat grows order sizes. Carts increase 10% for customers who utilize live chat. The average chatting visitor brings four-and-a-half times the value of a non-chatter.

Live chat is boosting the revenues of businesses across the spectrum.

Why not put this cash factory to work for you?

Guest Author

Josh Wardini | Community Manager at  Webmastersjury | Location Incapable Internet Enthusiast | Re-Designer of the World Around | Bodybuilder trapped in a Computer Geeks Body. 

Blogging Is More Than Just Writing Blog Posts

To many of us, blog writing seems as easy as it could be. True, it doesn’t take much to become a blogger these days - there are plenty of tutorials, tips, and resources to anyone, who wants to try themselves at writing. Sure, you can still pay for hosting and for blog’s design - but you can also use free resources if you aren’t ready to invest.
However, while getting started is indeed very easy, succeeding is not. There are plenty of bloggers who do make money with the help of their blogs - but many of them don’t make more than $100 a month. Doesn’t look very impressive, does it?

What makes a blogger successful?

So what makes a blogger successful? Is it the amount of time they invest in the process? Is it their strategy? Or is it their passion?

Often it depends on the type of blog they write for. Sure, having a personal blog and running a corporate one are two different things - and in the second case, your chances of succeeding are higher. When you write for a company, you don’t work on your own - instead you have a whole crew of people assisting you, telling you what to write, what to do to make your posts better, etc.

Corporate blogging is a real deal. But what to do when you run your own blog?

I would advice one thing: forget about monetizing it in the first place.

This might seem absurd. However, I’m not telling you to abandon all your hopes to earn money with the help of your blog someday. What I advice you is to get these thoughts out of your head when you start.

The thing is there are plenty of bloggers who create blogs with only one purpose - to monetize them one day. This doesn’t necessarily know what exactly do they have to do in order to achieve that - yet they work for it (only for it), write non-stop, check the metrics all the time, and become more and more frustrated in the process.

They don’t have fun, don’t enjoy this process - and that’s what they should be doing in the first place.

Passion is the key

Let’s assume you’re passionate about something, be it students’ life, makeup, design, etc. You probably know a lot about the topic and probably enjoy learning even more about it. And you might want to start a blog dedicated to your subject of passion and start writing about the best topics for a proposal essay, for example. Most likely you won’t do it in a boring way - instead, you’ll share some personal stories, try to add some humor or style to your writing.

And while you might still hope to monetize your blog someday, this won’t be the only thing motivating you. This won’t affect your writing as well and won’t dim your passion about the subject.

When it comes to blogging, good content is what the readers are looking for. When you only want to make money, you might write a lot of blog posts - but you’ll also need to focus on so many other things, from promotion to metrics.

When you’re writing because of passion, your posts are your top priority. You put your time, your knowledge, and your passion into them, trying to make them as good as possible. You also look for the ways to make your blog even better, to increase your knowledge about the subject, etc. Moreover, you actually enjoy this. And such things always show in the writing.

So if you do want to become a good blogger, don’t simply write blog posts - find something you love and try to share this love with the others with the help of your writing. I wish you good luck with that!

About Author

Sophia Clark graduated from the University in the City of New York with B.A. in Journalism, 2011. She is a creative writer who loves to share her thoughts with readers, now she writes for Eliteessaywriters. In her free time, she enjoys writing fiction as well as reading it. Connect with her on Twitter and Google+.

13 Ways to Make Your Title Catchy + a List of Power Words

Why do you have to create a catchy title and why the title is so important? Imagine yourself a fisherman. Any copywriter will tell you that if you want to hook your reader you should think about a good bait. Everything is simple – your title is your bait and your today's supper depends on it. The truth is cruel - there is no set formula for creating a catchy title because if there was then everybody would do it, right? You have to know your audience primarily, and then know what makes a catchy title before you can make one. Here are the ingredients for a catchy title and a few power words you can splice in to give it some oomph. Happy fishing!

1- Deep researchers do not like catchy

You have to match your title to your target audience. You have to make sure that the people you are trying to attract are going to find your title catchy. People that are doing deep research are going to be put off by a typically catchy title. They are going to want descriptive and accurate titles.

2- Skim researchers want catchy and want numbers

The people that are quickly searching for a bit of trivia or a quick answer to a question are going to love catchy titles. They want a title that tickles their interest and that gives an indication it may answer their question. They do not mind a title that is a little more general and a little less concise.

3- Be descriptive and let people know what to expect

The key to getting more clicks is to be more descriptive. There is a trend at the moment where people feel they have to put numbers in their titles or feel that they have to give a vague reference to a payoff in order to get clicks, but people are sick of them and are usually very unresponsive to them. If you are descriptive, then you may scare away some people, but they are the people that are not interested in your products, services, website, network or you. The people that do click are the ones that are more likely to engage with your content.

4- Stir the imagination without leading people on

Do not be vague, but do allow people to ponder on your title before they click the link to your page. You can say that a woman awoke from her coma after two years, or you can say that a woman awakes from her coma and finally becomes lucid. This stirs the imagination and makes the reader wonder what she was like before she became lucid.

5- Pick a selling point and play it in the title

Your selling point is the main use of your article or post. If you are writing a descriptive that, as you should, then playing on your selling point is a great idea. For example, if your article is a picture post on broken-glass structures, then that is what you would write within the title (to be descriptive), but you can play on your selling point by add something such as, “that you have never seen before.” Adding that selling point is honest and descriptive, whilst also plays on the selling point that your pictures haven’t been seen before.

6- Stay away from enticing but non-descriptive titles

There are hundreds of thousands (probably millions) of these all over the Internet and they are annoying. They say things such as, “This 53 year old woman has the skin of a 20yr old” or “Nobody thought this would work,” or “Even a kid can make money doing this.” It is true that young, gullible, and easy-to-impress people are going to click links with these sorts of titles, but most people will not.

7- Link it to trends

Do not misunderstand this tip. This doesn’t mean hop on the trend people have set up where they have to have odd numbers in their titles, or the trend of vague but enticing titles. It msn hop on the trends that will elevate the impact of your title when people read it. For example, the trailer to Fast & Furious 7 was all over YouTube. In the 5 seconds before the advert may be clicked off, the trailer says, “I live my life at a quarter of a mile at a time.” People that had similar (albeit funny parodies) lines in their titles did very well around this time. For example, movie reviews said, “I watched this movie a quarter of a yawn per minute.”

8- Make it rhyme if you want people to repeat it

If you want people to quote your title, then make it rhyme. For some reason, people are more willing to remember and repeat article titles that rhyme.

9- Stop listening to trends

The Internet is full of articles saying you should have a number in your title if you want people to visit your website and read your article, but the fact is that people do not care. It is one of those occasions where the market has led the metric. The consumers do not click more titles with numbers in because they like them, they click them before more have sprung up than ever before. Do not listen to trends. Only use them opportunistically whenever you think it will benefit or impress your target audience.

10- Try to excite people more than you try to scare them

Trying to scare people with dramatic lines and scary fact will just bore people. People in the USA hear such things on the news so often that they are sick of fear. They already live in perpetual fear and will therefore not seek it out. People in Canada do not lock their doors, and people on the TV talk about conversations to resolve conflicts. People in the USA hear something terrifying every time they switch on the TV or a streaming device, so they will veer away from scary posts that threaten their lives or their happiness.

11- Don’t use over-used words

There are a lot of overused words--too many to post here. Nevertheless, try your best to avoid some of the most overused words in the article and blogging world. Here are a few examples of words that are overused in article titles.









12- Don’t be afraid of being creative

The key to being creative and successful is to measure your results. Be creative by all means, but every time you are, you have to measure the results. Your creativity may open up a whole new paradigm in title creation, or it may start the next trend. The only way you are going to see a genuine benefit from experimenting and being creative is to measure your results and learn from them. Pay close attention to your analytics and measure your click-through rates.

13- Use power words if you want to make an impact

Remember that power words and phrases are only powerful for a limited amount of time and are guided by trends. For example, the term, “Coursing through my veins” used to be powerful, but is now cliché, pretentious and annoying. The same thing can happen with power words, especially if you overuse them, so pick and choose them carefully. Here is a list of currently popular power words. Click here to download the list.

About Author

Jessica Millis, or just Jess. She is a writer, freelance editor and even a memoir ghostwriter ( shh! ), in some way. Also Jessica works at EssayMama online writing agency as an essay writing consultant. Can be connected through Twitter and Google+.