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How to Become a Successful Blogger

Owning a blog is not just a fad that has arisen as a result of the growth of the internet Blogs are becoming increasingly important as online communication tools for both individuals and corporate organizations.
A successful blog could mean a regular source of passive income for the owner and this is one thing that attracts people to it. However, there are certain important elements that should be considered before deciding to start a blog:


There are different reasons why people blog: Some blog just to share information while others blog to make money through affiliate marketing, advertising and so on. However whatever your objective or purpose for blogging, it wouldn’t have any impact if nobody is reading.

Part of your planning for your blog must include how you intend to drive traffic. This can be achieved through the use of social media, Pay per Click (PPC) advertising, guest blogging and so on.

Another factor worth considering when thinking about getting traffic is making use of SEO friendly keywords to increase your search engine rating.

Good Content

You must provide your readers with good and useful content. Content is King and is a major determinant of whether your blog will be successful or not. Before you begin blogging, try and ensure that you have your content generation sorted out so you don’t get stuck along the way.
You should also strive to be original. Although it’s okay to blog about a trending story or pick your content from another source, but it is important that you add your own voice or view to the story. Don’t just do a copy and paste job and leave it at that.


Like every other thing in life, you must be passionate about what you blog about for you to become successful. Passion for what you do is what keeps you going even in the face of difficulties and like they say, Passion Persuades.


For you to be able to generate and sustain the interest of readers to your blog, you must be consistent in updating your blog content regularly. This is even more important if your goal is to make money from blogging.

Your Niche

Except you are a public figure with a large following who can blog on whatever he fancies, you blog must focus on a particular niche.

Ask yourself, what problem do I want to solve for people? Or what need do I want to meet? This will help you to stay focused and increase your relevance. Work towards becoming an authority in your chosen niche.

Write for Your Audience

Blogging is not academic writing. Understand your audience and write in an interesting and engaging manner. Your purpose is to sustain their interest and keep them coming back. You should therefore try to be as informal and straightforward as possible. One trick to this is to write like you were facing them and talking to them. Use words and phrases that would grab their attention.


The ever increasing social media space is one huge traffic source. It would be a nice idea to have a fan page on Facebook for your blog and also a Twitter account. Work on increasing your fan base on social media platforms and post regularly.

Don’t ignore comments from your readers on your blog or other platforms. Address their questions and comments as promptly as you can. Interacting and sharing with your guests will build loyalty and trust.

From Editors Desk

Finally another post after months. Whatever, guys we're back in business and now get ready for some inspirational and motivational talks. Don't forget to subscribe us and receive hottest updates directly to your inbox. Be a Pro; Be Creative; Happy Blogging.

13 Ways to Make Your Title Catchy + a List of Power Words

Why do you have to create a catchy title and why the title is so important? Imagine yourself a fisherman. Any copywriter will tell you that if you want to hook your reader you should think about a good bait. Everything is simple – your title is your bait and your today's supper depends on it. The truth is cruel - there is no set formula for creating a catchy title because if there was then everybody would do it, right? You have to know your audience primarily, and then know what makes a catchy title before you can make one. Here are the ingredients for a catchy title and a few power words you can splice in to give it some oomph. Happy fishing!

1- Deep researchers do not like catchy

You have to match your title to your target audience. You have to make sure that the people you are trying to attract are going to find your title catchy. People that are doing deep research are going to be put off by a typically catchy title. They are going to want descriptive and accurate titles.

2- Skim researchers want catchy and want numbers

The people that are quickly searching for a bit of trivia or a quick answer to a question are going to love catchy titles. They want a title that tickles their interest and that gives an indication it may answer their question. They do not mind a title that is a little more general and a little less concise.

3- Be descriptive and let people know what to expect

The key to getting more clicks is to be more descriptive. There is a trend at the moment where people feel they have to put numbers in their titles or feel that they have to give a vague reference to a payoff in order to get clicks, but people are sick of them and are usually very unresponsive to them. If you are descriptive, then you may scare away some people, but they are the people that are not interested in your products, services, website, network or you. The people that do click are the ones that are more likely to engage with your content.

4- Stir the imagination without leading people on

Do not be vague, but do allow people to ponder on your title before they click the link to your page. You can say that a woman awoke from her coma after two years, or you can say that a woman awakes from her coma and finally becomes lucid. This stirs the imagination and makes the reader wonder what she was like before she became lucid.

5- Pick a selling point and play it in the title

Your selling point is the main use of your article or post. If you are writing a descriptive that, as you should, then playing on your selling point is a great idea. For example, if your article is a picture post on broken-glass structures, then that is what you would write within the title (to be descriptive), but you can play on your selling point by add something such as, “that you have never seen before.” Adding that selling point is honest and descriptive, whilst also plays on the selling point that your pictures haven’t been seen before.

6- Stay away from enticing but non-descriptive titles

There are hundreds of thousands (probably millions) of these all over the Internet and they are annoying. They say things such as, “This 53 year old woman has the skin of a 20yr old” or “Nobody thought this would work,” or “Even a kid can make money doing this.” It is true that young, gullible, and easy-to-impress people are going to click links with these sorts of titles, but most people will not.

7- Link it to trends

Do not misunderstand this tip. This doesn’t mean hop on the trend people have set up where they have to have odd numbers in their titles, or the trend of vague but enticing titles. It msn hop on the trends that will elevate the impact of your title when people read it. For example, the trailer to Fast & Furious 7 was all over YouTube. In the 5 seconds before the advert may be clicked off, the trailer says, “I live my life at a quarter of a mile at a time.” People that had similar (albeit funny parodies) lines in their titles did very well around this time. For example, movie reviews said, “I watched this movie a quarter of a yawn per minute.”

8- Make it rhyme if you want people to repeat it

If you want people to quote your title, then make it rhyme. For some reason, people are more willing to remember and repeat article titles that rhyme.

9- Stop listening to trends

The Internet is full of articles saying you should have a number in your title if you want people to visit your website and read your article, but the fact is that people do not care. It is one of those occasions where the market has led the metric. The consumers do not click more titles with numbers in because they like them, they click them before more have sprung up than ever before. Do not listen to trends. Only use them opportunistically whenever you think it will benefit or impress your target audience.

10- Try to excite people more than you try to scare them

Trying to scare people with dramatic lines and scary fact will just bore people. People in the USA hear such things on the news so often that they are sick of fear. They already live in perpetual fear and will therefore not seek it out. People in Canada do not lock their doors, and people on the TV talk about conversations to resolve conflicts. People in the USA hear something terrifying every time they switch on the TV or a streaming device, so they will veer away from scary posts that threaten their lives or their happiness.

11- Don’t use over-used words

There are a lot of overused words--too many to post here. Nevertheless, try your best to avoid some of the most overused words in the article and blogging world. Here are a few examples of words that are overused in article titles.









12- Don’t be afraid of being creative

The key to being creative and successful is to measure your results. Be creative by all means, but every time you are, you have to measure the results. Your creativity may open up a whole new paradigm in title creation, or it may start the next trend. The only way you are going to see a genuine benefit from experimenting and being creative is to measure your results and learn from them. Pay close attention to your analytics and measure your click-through rates.

13- Use power words if you want to make an impact

Remember that power words and phrases are only powerful for a limited amount of time and are guided by trends. For example, the term, “Coursing through my veins” used to be powerful, but is now cliché, pretentious and annoying. The same thing can happen with power words, especially if you overuse them, so pick and choose them carefully. Here is a list of currently popular power words. Click here to download the list.

About Author

Jessica Millis, or just Jess. She is a writer, freelance editor and even a memoir ghostwriter ( shh! ), in some way. Also Jessica works at EssayMama online writing agency as an essay writing consultant. Can be connected through Twitter and Google+.

How to Write Great and Catchy Content/Blog Posts

As a professional blogger, you might be wondering how to write great and catchy content; well in this article you will learn how to be creative in writing catchy content. No matter the kind of business you engage in, you will need to gain new skills in the area of writing for you to be able to write great and catchy content. If you want to promote your business through network marketing, you will need to improve your writing skills as it will serve as one of the most important tool you will use for promoting your business.
How to Write Great and Catchy Content/Blog Posts
Although being creative in writing catchy contents for blogs might seem a little bit difficult, you can start by writing down things as you say them. If you start with this step, in a little while you will gain more experience and you will become perfect.

Things to Remember

There are certain tips you need to put at the back of your mind if you want to learn how to write great and catchy contents like: editing what you’ve written, breaking the text into readable paragraphs, make sensible sentences and get rid of repeated statements, always give your article a catchy title and structure your content so that it flows along with what the reader has in mind.

How to Engage your Visitors?

As a writer, you would want your readers to stay engaged while reading your article so you should not make a paragraph so long that the reader would lose interest in finding out the content of that paragraph. Many readers have the tendency to ramble through your article so you have to be careful so as not to give your reader the idea that you are not grammatically conscious.
How to Write Great and Catchy Content/Blog Posts
The main idea of writing catchy content is to get your readers to understand the point you are trying to make and if after going through your article and they could not get the picture of what you are trying to say, you have wasted your entire effort on that article.

Choose the Right Headline

How to Write Great and Catchy Content/Blog Posts
One important thing to note is to always carry out a research on the right headline to use that will catch the attention of your reader. Make sure you follow the due procedure by introducing them to the topic (preview), giving them the main idea and summarizing all you discussed towards the end of the article.

Make your Content Mistake Free

It is also advisable to do a spelling and grammar check before putting up your blog so that your readers will know that you have an idea of what you are doing. Writing is fun but with more practice you will learn how to write great and catchy contents that will capture your reader’s attention.

Liked this post! Do share it with your friends and bloggers. Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Happy Blogging

How to Become a Professional Blogger and Be Your Own Boss

Hello Bloggers, sorry for not updating Blogolect in the last month. Today I hardly managed my time to update this blog and I just have hired some professional writers who will write on this blog. Let's come to the point. The topic we're going to discuss today is How to Become a Professional Blogger and be your Own Boss.
How to Become a Professional Blogger and Be Your Own Boss
A professional blogger is someone who makes blogging his full time job so if you want to learn how to be a professional blogger and be your own boss, this article is for you. Using your God-given gift wisely to serve mankind is a very good idea most especially if you are very good at blogging. Blogging entails writing and if you are very good at writing you can make it professional by becoming a professional blogger. The most important thing is that you have to be passionate about the job if you want to be a successful blogger.

Why to Choose Blogging?

How to Become a Professional Blogger and Be Your Own Boss
There are many reasons why professional blogging is beneficial one of which is marketing. Many people use blogs to market their products so as a professional blogger, you stand to gain a lot if your blogs are unique. In the long run, your blogs will gain popularity and big business owners will start contacting you to write about their products. Subsequently, you will be your own boss and earn a lot on blogging.

How to Become a Professional Blogger

In order to become a professional blogger, you can start by writing for firms at a low payment rate. When you become perfect, you can start increasing your charge rates and before you know it you will be the one choosing the firm you want to blog for. The most important thing is for you to gain experience in blogging before taking it as a profession. If you are a young blogger, it will be advisable for you to blog frequently so as to become perfect. You can then start blogging as your professional work and be your own boss.
How to Become a Professional Blogger and Be Your Own Boss
Being a professional blogger doesn’t just start in a day, you can start by: Being eager to learn more and staying motivated. Remember that blogging is not an easy task and it will take you time before you become perfect so you should spend more time in practicing so as to become perfect.
You can also gather information from someone who has enough experience in blogging. In other words, you should have a coach who will put you through the right paths to take concerning becoming a professional blogger.

Things Required to Become a Pro Blogger

Although writing is a talent, you can improve your skills by joining websites that will teach you about professional blogging. Continuous practice will also make you become a professional blogger so it is advisable for you to keep practicing. You can also get CDs that will help you in perfecting your profession as a professional blogger. This way, you will be able to be a professional blogger and also be a boss of your own.
Liked this post! Do share it with your friends and bloggers. Do let me know your plans about blogging and what you think about blogging. Happy Blogging

Ninja Outreach Review + Giveaway 3 Small Agency Accounts for 1 Year

Recently I published a review on and Its premium account free for lifetime Giveaway. Today I am here again with another mind blowing product review + Giveaway its 3 Small Agency Accounts for 1 Year. The product I am going to review today is Ninja Outreach is developed by 3 Ninjas, I mean developers Mark Samms, Gurpal Theti and Dave Schneider.

Ninja Outreach Review on Blogolect
3 Ninja Outreach Accounts Ninja Outreach is created for researchers and information collectors. For years people have been researching influencers, collecting valuable information and contact information, tweeting and building client reports. Let's suppose you're one them, what were you doing? Using dozens of tools. Right! But now you don't have to worry about it, because Ninja Outreach is all in one tool for collecting all the information. Now Let's discuss its Features:

Fast Prospecting

Its just simple! You can find thousands of bloggers and business leads in minutes for your target keywords in any niche. Isn't its great!
Ninja Outreach Review on Blogolect

Build Relationships

Build Relationships with other people in your field. Create Valuable relationships by commenting on their blogs and by following them on social networks.
Ninja Outreach Review on Blogolect

Advanced Filters and Lists

Create unlimited lists, easily manage them and use advanced Filters on social shares, contact info, and SEO metrics and sort to get what you exactly need.
Ninja Outreach Review on Blogolect

Create Custom Templates

Create you custom templates and design your template according to your own taste and add custom fields for personalized out reach.
Ninja Outreach Review on Blogolect

Contact Influencers within the Software

Contact influencers within the software on their email's or social accounts.
Ninja Outreach Review on Blogolect

Social and SEO Data

Get all social and SEO data at one page. View contact info such as email, contact URL, phone number, and social shares across multiple social platforms.

Easily Import and Export Data

Easily export your lists into a CSV and Import thousands of website URLs into your lists to capture additional data.

Find Special Posts

Get notified if the influencers does giveaways, guest posts, sponsored posts or product reviews and participate in them.

More Features:

Edit Contacts: Edit Contact data to build your lists.
Contact Form Submitter: Submit Customized template through contact forms.
View Latest Tweets and Posts: See the latest Tweets and Posts from the influencers.
And Much More...

Why you Should Choose

I already explained all the features of Ninja Outreach above. A part of all these features, its price is also affordable and less than all other tools. Check its more features and pricing @


Ninja Outreach is available in four different packages. Blogger, Small Agency, Large Agency and Enterprise. More details @ You can also try a 14 Day Free Trial for any package.

Giveaway 3 Ninja Outreach Accounts for 1 Year (Each Account Worth $261)

The founders of Ninja Outreach has decided to giveaway 3 Small Agency Accounts for 1 Year, value $261 ($783 for 3 Account) for free to Blogolect Readers. Ninja Outreach is one of the best tools for collecting lists and discovering bloggers, business leads in every niche imaginable. So don't miss this opportunity to win an account free for 1 year.
Please enter a Valid Email. Invalid entries will have no credit and he/she will be blocked for this giveaway.
3 Ninja Outreach Accounts Increase your chances to win by 300% by completing all above entries. The winners will be announced here. Join us on Twitter and Facebook to get notified about its ending date. We'll contact the winners or he/she can also contact us on Facebook @ Let's see who wins this contest...

Is This Website Down? How to Check a Website is Down or Not

Is this Website Down or Not? Downtimes are part of almost each and every website. Even some top websites like Facebook face down times. But sometimes if you're not able to access a website, this question might arise in your mind that, Is this website down only for me? Sometimes it happens due to some problem in your network connection and sometimes the website is down for everyone. But How to check that the website is down only for you or for everyone. Luckily there are some services available on the internet that provides you the answer to that query. Using these websites you can If a website is down or not. So in this post I'm going to share two websites that you can use to check a website is down or not.

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101 Way to Boost your Website/Blog Traffic
Make Money Blogging - Ways to Make Money from a Blog
Why Google Isn't Indexing your Website - Possible Reasons
An Ultimate Guide to Increase your Website Traffic in 2015
Is This Website Down or Not

Down for Everyone or Just Me

Down for Everyone or Just Me is one of those services that you can use to check a website. Just go to Down for Everyone or Just Me and enter the website that you want to check, if it's down or not. Simple!
Is This Website Down or Not

Down Right Now

Down Right Now is another website for checking a website is up or not. But it lacks the option to enter your OWN website. It only displays the status of some top websites like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and Google.
Is This Website Down or Not
Hope you find these websites useful! Share this post with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us! Review + Giveaway 1 Premium Account Free for Lifetime

Hello Bloggers, recently I published a review on Review - Create Infographics Easily and today I am going to write another review on Graphic designing is one of the hottest fields today and everyone knows that Photoshop is the world's best designer but it's not easy to use. You need to be an expert to create designs using photoshop and it could take several months/an year to become a photoshop expert. But with the passage of time, developers are working on projects to make everything easy and is one of them. Review
If you don't want to spend months on photoshop but you want to design like professionals then is the best solution. Youzign is an online designer but its different from all other online designers, I came to it 2 weeks ago I thought it would be like other online designers but its not, after using its great features and tools, all I can say its just awesome. You don't need to be an expert, its easy to use and you can create any type of design you want either its a headers, cover or an infograph.

Go to the end of the page and complete the steps given to participate in the giveaway for 1 youzign account free for lifetime.

Let's Talk about its Mind Blowing Features

If you're fed up with photoshop and all other designers then it's time to rock again with youzign. Let's discuss its cool features:

Designing with Youzign is Simple as 1, 2, 3

Yes really, its simple as 1, 2, 3. You don't need to be an expert to use youzign. Just get your account and start designing. Review

750,000+ Free Icons/Cliparts

One of the best features of youzign is that it provides you thousands of high quality icons for free on your account. 750,000+ Free Icons are available that you can use for creating your designs. Just enter your search terms and youzign goes off and finds all the images you need. One click, and the image is added right there to your canvas. Simple! Right... Have a look at the images below that I took while creating my design: Review Review Review

Create Whatever you Want

Whatever you want to design, you can design it using youzign. There are several sizes avaliable for all type of designs like Facebook Cover, Twitter Cover, Header, Inforgraphics etc. or you can choose a custom size. Review

Easy to Use Dashboard

Create your design, save it and edit it again whenever you want. Its easy to use dashboard helps you to easily access your previous designs. Review

Instant Background Removal

If you want to remove background from you images then by using youzign you can easily remove background from your images and add another background.

Mobile Version

If you're out on a picnic and you want quick access to youzign then youzign mobile will be there for you. Its mobile friendly design allow you to access and design from you mobile. All you need is an internet connection on your mobile and you're in. Review

Complete Wordpress Integration

Easily integrate Youzign with your wordpress account using Youzign Plugin and easily add your images, infographs to your posts and pages for free. Review

Other Features

Drag and Drop Designer - Its Drag and Drop Designer helps you easily design within minutes
Handy Layering - Easily use layers and play with them to make an impressive designs
Instant Image Cropping - Crop your images instantly
Customize Graphics Instantly - Customize you image graphics the way you like with it awesome design tools
Cool Filters - Use its cool filters and give a new look to your images
One-Click Preview - Preview you designs whenever you want with a single click
And Much More

How Much it Costs

The regular price of youzign is 197/yr but if you order it now you can get it for as low as just $47. Hurry up don't miss this opportunity and if you think your luck is with you then participate in the contest below and win 1 free youzign account for lifetime. Hurry up... Review
Hurry up get your account before the offer ends... Visit now

Giveaway 1 Premium Youzign Account Free for Lifetime

Youzign Premium Account Giveaway
Increase your chances to win by 300% by completing all above entries. This contest will run till 30 March 15 March and the winner will be announced automatically. We'll contact the winner or he/she can also contact us on Facebook @ Let's see who wins this contest...

Create a Social Media Fans Counter Widget in Blogger

Recently we shared Flat Style Tabbed Social Media Widget for Blogger and today we're here with another amazing widget Social Media Fans Counter Widget for blogger. From the day Blogolect Blog was created we tried our best on sharing and developing blogger widgets and we'll continue these efforts. Today we're going to share a social media fans counter widget, this widget displays Facebook, Twitter and RSS buttons in a clean list style with your fans count. This is a clean and simple widget to show to subscribers on your blog and make your visitors get more interested in your blog. So let's begin

Recommended for You:
Social Media Fans Counter Widget

How to Create a Social Media Fans Counter Widget in Blogger

First and foremost, log in to your Blogger Account >> Select a Blog >> Layout >> Add a Gadget, scroll down and select HTML/JavaScript gadget from the list of gadgets. Now Copy the following piece of code and paste it in the empty widget box

<div class="sidebarContainer" id="sidebarSubscribe">
            <a target="_blank" href="" class="subscribeSidebarBox" id="subscribeRSS">
                <span class="icon"></span>
                <span class="title">Subscribe to Our RSS feed</span>
                <span class="count">2000+</span>
            <a target="_blank" href="" class="subscribeSidebarBox" id="followTwitter">
                <span class="icon"></span>
                <span class="title">Follow Blogolect on Twitter</span>
                <span class="count">1000+</span>
            <a target="_blank" href="" class="subscribeSidebarBox" id="likeFacebook">
                <span class="icon"></span>
                <span class="title">Like Us On Facebook</span>
                <span class="count">800+</span>
            </a>  </div>

#sidebarSubscribe {
    padding: 25px 30px 20px;
a.subscribeSidebarBox {
    border: medium none;
    cursor: pointer;
    display: block;
    height: 60px;
    margin-bottom: 8px;
    position: relative;
    width: 265px;
#sidebarSubscribe span {
    color: #6E6E6E;
    display: block;
    padding: 3px;
    position: absolute;
    text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 white;
#sidebarSubscribe .icon {
    background: url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
    height: 45px;
    left: 10px;
    top: 10px;
    width: 55px;
#sidebarSubscribe .title {
    font-size: 12px;
    left: 70px;
    top: 8px;
#sidebarSubscribe .count {
    font: bold 18px/28px 'Myriad Pro',Tahoma,Arialm,sans-serif;
    left: 70px;
    top: 23px;
#subscribeRSS .icon {
    background-position: 0 -50px;
#followTwitter .icon {
    background-position: -100px -50px;
#likeFacebook .icon {
    background-position: -200px -50px;
a.subscribeSidebarBox {
    background-color: #FAFAFA;
    border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
a.subscribeSidebarBox:hover {
    background-color: #FDFDFD;

a, a:active {
   text-decoration: none;


  • Replace with your RSS feed URL and 2000+ with your RSS Subscribers
  • Replace with your twitter account URL and 1000+ with your Twitter Followers
  • Replace with your Facebook URL and 800+ with your Facebook Likes

Click Save button and you're done!

From Editors Desk

We hope this article may have helped you in learning How to Create a Social Media Fans Counter Widget in Blogger. Share this article with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us.